Friday, May 16, 2008

Module 6- Janelle Funtanilla

First I have to say that I have mixed feelings about this movie. Let me first start by saying that I really love the fact that the main character, Lea, is really dynamic. The actress that portrayed her did a really awesome job because she is a real woman, with real feelings. I like the way she was not only one-dimensional, like how women are portrayed in other movies. She is strong, and she is a fighter; yet she is vulnerable and scared. I understand that there are no flawless characters in life, and she is definitely no exception. She has two kids with two different men, and I find that surprising especially in a Filipino film. In most Filipino films the woman is subservient to the man and she lives the “typical” Filipino Catholic wife life. In this she isn’t married, working and supporting two kids, as well as having “independence” from a man. I admire her for her ability to balance her life. Yet what upsets me is the way she let the men treat her. True they don’t physically abuse her, but they neglect her. Her situation isn’t exactly ideal, but I admire her drive to make things better for herself and for her kids. It was interesting how they paralleled her story with the story of the victims of domestic abuse. In it the woman was getting beaten and she chose to still stay with him. It is similar to her situation, because even though Ding neglected her, she still chose to stay with him. It was unfortunate in the end that Ding ended up marrying someone else, but I think she’s better without him. I really admire that this film portrayed a woman for what she is and not what she is supposed to be in Filipino society.
Another big aspect of the movie was the life of her two children. Her kids are her saving grace. I think the kids had it hard, especially Ojie. His biological father recently entered his life, he has to deal with the fact that his parents will never be together, and he must choose between the two. This brings up major issues because although he wants a relationship with his father, he can’t forget that his mother raised him. It is a hard decision because he loses both ways. What also makes it hard is that he is constantly competing with his sister for attention from their mother. That is basically the only person he has because he lives with his half-sister’s father, and not his own. I would be torn because in order to get one thing, one must sacrifice another. If he chooses his dad, he will be competing for attention again because he has another half-sibling on the way. I would hate to be in his situation, although I think he made the best choice by staying with his mother.
This movie was alright, it wasn’t the best, but it wasn’t the worst. I felt it dragged on a little too long, but I did enjoy the acting especially from the main character. The message I got from it is about maturing and evolving, not only with the kids, but with the mother as well. I am not (yet) a mother, but I can understand how she felt when she was faced with the reality that she might lose her kids. There was a line in the movie that went something like “a child can live without a father, but not without a mother”. It was interesting to me and I think the ending was very appropriate. The mother went through a lot for her kids and she really does love them. To me both of the fathers were very flawed and the kids are definitely better off with her. I’m glad she let her kids choose, and it was the right decision that they chose her. This was an act of free will, as described in the reading. I don’t things just happen, they occur as an effect of something else.
The ending was good also because it showed the change that occurred in both mother and children. I like how, even though she made mistakes in the past, she was able to overcome it. She proved herself worthy by working for that human rights organization, the one that helped abused women. It takes a lot for one to help others, even though personally she was going through a lot herself.

1 comment:

Ariel said...

Read all works up to here, today, May 18, 2008, Sunday, while the 2008 Spring graduation rites were going on, UH Manoa, Honolulu, HI. Good luck to all of your! It was enlightening having you all in my IP 368 B class. Be well with the anitos!

A S Agcaoili