Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Film: Kontra a Kanser Para iti Ayat
Written & Directed by: Rachelle M. Aurellano & James Funtanilla
IP 362: Philippine Drama: Art, History, Culture
Professor Aurelio S. Agcaoili, PhD

Note: This is the final script (of six drafts) of the short film we directed, as part of a final project for our Philippine Drama class on the theme of Cancer Awareness. It was showcased at the Fall 2007 Salip ti Drama, Video, ken Kinantaan on Saturday, November 17, 2007.

Synopsis: The film is about a family in which the wife is dealing with the possibility of breast cancer. She is scared to tell her husband that she has just found out that she may have cancer, but she eventually succumbs to revealing to her husband why she is so stressed. She is afraid of the reality of what she cannot control, which are both dealing with possible complications during her surgery and also the possibility of having cancer and dying. With the support from her husband and daughter she accepts her fate and goes through with the operation. The husband, also must overcome his fears of going to the doctor for his checkups, surrounding him in daily life are two people who have or will be going through preventative actions against cancer.

Character Legend:
R: Rachelle Aurellano (The Wife)
J: James Funtanilla (The Husband, Master Sergeant Libanan)
S: Justin Manlutac (Captain Manlutac)

Scene One
[Woman in restroom, on the phone with daughter]

R: Nasakit bassit, anak.
R: Saan pay. Mabutengak.
R: Wen. (starts to cry)

[end scene]

Scene Two
[Bedroom scene, at night: wife is reading a book, while the husband tries to sleep]

J: Apay? Saanka a nabannog?
R: Saan. Diak makaturog.
J: Dika makapangan.
R: Oh, stop it. Don’t remind me of that one please. Awan ganasko a mangan.
J: Nabayagen a palpaliiwenka, baket. You do not look ok to me.
R: Awan ania manna daytoy.
J: Dumngegka. Saan a husto nga awan anian manna no madi ti marikriknam.
R: Saan! Apay nga adu ti saludsodem kaniak!
J: You do not listen to me!
R: Because you are not listening yourself!
J: I am not listening to you? I am concerned. I am worried about you.
R: Forget it!
J: Kanayonmo nga ibagbaga dayta. ‘Kinnana ketdi a biag daytoy! Apo Dios! Maturogakon, iddepemon ti silaw.

[end scene]

Scene Three
[Next day: husband on phone with commanding officer]

J: Hello.
S: Hi. May I speak to Master Sergeant James Libanan.
J: This is James.
S: This is Captain Manlutac.
J: (surprised) Back so soon, Sir.
S: Yeah, just got back yesterday.
J: Oh, I thought were in the hospital?
S: I was in the hospital but only for a week.
J: You had your operation?
S: Yeah. I recovered faster than I expected because I was diagnosed early.
J: Oh that’s great.
S: Well the reason why I called was because you have to report to Hickam on the twelfth of this month. We’re going on deployment.
J: So report to Hickam on the twelfth.
S: Correct. The twelfth.
J: Okay, get well soon Sir.
S: Okay bye.

[end scene]

Scene Four
[Living room scene, in the evening: woman is crying on couch, husband walks in]

J: Apay agsangsangitka?
R: Awan. (husband consoles wife) I don’t want to talk about it.
J: Ania ti napasamak?
R: Awan.
J: Honey, ania? Ibagamon.
R: (stops crying, saddened voice) Kumusta ti Commanding Officermo?
J: Naimbag met. He says that he’s recovering well, but he still has to do some tests. Apay?
R: Awan. Saludsodek laeng.
J: Ammok nga adda kayatmo nga ibaga. Ania?
R: Idi pay napalabas a dominggo, napanak idiay doktor a nagpatsek-ap iti susok ta nasakit. Idi kuan imbagana kaniak nga adda met a nagbukol iti uneg ti susok. Masapul kano nga agpa-operaak tapno maikkat.
J: Apay ngarud imbagam nga awan ti problema? Maysa a lawasen, dimo imbaga kaniak? Apay?
R: Mabutengak. Diak kayat a panunoten daytoy. Madi ti riknak no pampanunotek. Agingganna nga agbuniag ti anakmi. ken adu met dagiti kayatko nga aramiden.
J: Ket ania ngaruden?
R: Diak ammo. No saanak a mapan, adda tiansa nga agtennag a kanser. Baka adda komplikasion no agpaoperaak.
J: Ngem panunotem dagiti annakmo. Soon, we’ll have a grandchild. Your daughter needs you.
R: (crying) Diak kayat a mapan no awanka.
J: Dika madanagan. Adda met dagiti annakta. Umay ni Diana tapno she can be with you. Be strong, everything will be fine.

[end scene]

Scene Five
[Bedroom scene, at night: wife on the phone with husband]

R: Mayat met. Maulawak bassit. Napigsa unay sa ti agas nga inreseta ti doktor.
R: By the time you come home, aganakton ni Diana. Love you.
R. Love you too. Okay ngarud.

[end scene]

Scene Six
[Days later: wife and husband reunited]

J: I already made an appointment with the doctor for my prostate check up, don’t worry.
R: Okay.
J: Ania ti kuna ni duktor.
R: Gapu ta nakitada ti bukol a nasapa, saanak nga agdanag. He called yesterday and said that saan met kano nga agtennag a kanser..
J: Kumusta ti riknam?
R: Mayaten.
J: Naganaken ni Diana
R: Saan pay. Addada idiay ospital.
J: Lalaki wenno babai.
R: Diak la ammo. Surprise kunana.

[end scene]

1 comment:

Ariel said...

read, 12-15-07. asa.