Sunday, September 23, 2007

I am the Philippines (Inspired by the movie I Am Cuba)

I am the tourist spot, the beautiful beach, the red light district.
I am the abundant natural resources.
I am all the reasons why they came.
I am all the reasons why they are still here.
I am all the reasons why they won't leave.
I am also the murmurs of hungry children.
I am the crys of mothers knowing their children were born to die before they can truly say they lived.
I am the father that crys at night knowing his labor will never be able to provide for his family.
Most importantly I am you and you are me.
Even if you chose not to see me, if you look away, or close your eyes to avoid the fact that I am your reflection, that does not change reality.
When you are willing to look into my eyes and see yourself, that is when the revolution begins.
I plead to you, my brother and sister, look into my eyes.

by: Michael Schulze-Oechtering Castaneda

1 comment:

Ariel said...

This is something. We need more of this critical reflection on the condition of Third World countries like the Philippies. This idea of human liberation--the energy in your poem--is never going to go passe for as long as the chasm between worlds re 1st vs 3rd continues.